Hi all,
Sorry, it has been a bit quiet due to travels and summer etc., but we have a number of things to share:
– Together with Dean Eckles we commented on the extremely interesting article “Optimal treatment allocations in space and time for onāline control of an emerging infectious disease”; see: https://rss.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/rssc.12266 for the paper and the discussion.
– We contributed to the article “Long-term Effects of Telemonitoring on Healthcare Usage in Patients with Heart Failure or COPD” which is currently under review. A preprint can be found here: http://doi.org/10.2196/preprints.10981
– We are proud to announce that lab member Xynthia Kavelaars was award an NWO research talent grant! See: https://www.nwo.nl/en/news-and-events/news/2018/06/28-young-researchers-to-receive-research-talent-funding.html
– Robin is well-underway with developing his new offline bandit evaluation [R] package. It starting to be really cool! So, check it out at: https://github.com/Nth-iteration-labs/contextual and provide Robin with any feedback you might have!
– Together with Prof. Edwin van den Heuvel we are working on a new statistics text book called “Statistics for Data Scientists” which will be published by Springer early 2019. We are already using a draft version of the book in a course we are teaching and we want to make the course interactive: we are experimenting with replacing the lectures by video lectures. For some examples see: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYveUfYPgAn5gArrgVI4w7g
I guess that’s it for now!